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Nick Wilder

Congrats on the new system! Sounds pretty amazing and I'm of course interested in how it works! What about storing the URL's for me (assign me a random ID and stick it in a cookie, and connect my uploads to that ID). I would think I'd lose the URL's provided, and have to re-upload the photos.


Good idea - Narendra also suggested an easy web form to email yourself the links.

we'll figure out how soon we can implement both. thanks.

Hope you are doing well.

Haystack is *very* cool - wil follow up with another blog post with details from the people who built it.

Ian Holsman

congrats Martin, it's good to see haystack being used like this.

one problem.. it doesn't seem to like PNG files.

I'm posting this here.. as I couldn't find a support link on the site!

the image in question : http://zyons.com/theme/zyon/blue_triad/logo.png


Thanks Ian - good to hear from you - we'll check it out. it's supposed to work on png files.


i am interested, could you post more on haystack? thanks


Martin, congrats on replicating what ImageShack has released three years ago. :) Fyi, some interesting reading material for you: http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/060516/20060516005451.html?.v=1



Hi Jack - many congratulations on imageshack's success.

Competition is good for for all of us, and especially good if we each end up delivering better services for users.

Misha Govshteyn

Sounds like an interesting storage challenge. Could you tell us more about Haystack?


Re: Haystack - I'll get together with some of the engineers who designed and built Haystack and put together a post later this week.


Hi Martin,

Please take a look at this post of mine:- http://www.roks.xmgfree.com/blog/2006/05/30/cnet%e2%80%99s-allyoucanupload/

I would like to see, if it is poosible, Image uploading through URL, like the Imageshack has.



DG - thanks for your suggestion - will discuss with the dev team. btw - I tried to post a comment to your blog and got an error.

Ian Danforth

This is a crosspost from Techcrunch in case you didn't want to scroll 60+ messages.


You need a small windows app that adds “right click to upload” functionality to all images.

And possibly provides a minimalist drag and drop to upload feature.

This app should not require log-in.

It should store urls for the user.

The homepage is ugly, http://imagesocket.com/ is much nicer.

If you need to let people upload more than one photo at once, you add a script like Gmail’s attachment script which adds as many upload slots as you need, and you urge the download of the above mentioned drag and drop app.

Further suggestions:

I hope you expand this service to hosting other file types.

www.badongo.com already does this, but they are very sketchy. (Read the EULA for their download app if you want a laugh)

Good luck on the new venture, please take the succinctness of my comments as a mark of respect. You sound very willing to think about suggested features and I appreciate that.

-Ian D.


Just found your service via TechCrunch and tried it out. very simple and easy to use. Congrats. One minor problem... I used the link for the blogs, and tried to post it to my blogger account. It came back with an error that there were "illegal commands" (or characters, something like that). I ended up using the "direct link" and it all worked fine.
Good luck. I will shout the news from my blog.


Martin - Thanks for your prompt reply, musch appreciated.

This is the spirit, I admire. But hardly found with people.

About your comment:- I got your comment, it was in the moderation. I think, sometimes back I had disable moeration notification. I will check this on my comments and will rectify.

Thanks once again.

Hope to see more best services soon!



Hi Martin,

The upload site does not respond. After feeding file, it gets freezed and nothing comes up.



DG: I just tried it and it's running very fast and smooth, and checked with our ops group - everything looks 5x5.

you are using imageshack on your most recent blog posts. - is this because of performance issues that you're experiencing with us?

Graham Toal

Neat idea. A bit like the old Cambridge File Server from the 70's. ( http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/32/35918/01702761.pdf?tp=&isnumber=35918&arnumber=1702761 )
- you put a file in, get an opaque capability token (in this case, URL) out, and keeping an index of the capability tokens is up to you.

Just one problem - how do you delete something? There doesn't seem to be a special 'owner' token - just the same URL that you have to hand out to viewers... (OK, not the exact same URL, but it's trivial to map back from the jpg image URL to the main acknowlegement page - http://aycu06.webshots.com/image/XXXXX/YYYYYYY_rs.jpg -> http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/b/YYYYYY ) so even retrofitting a 'delete' option on the master page is not a possibility for tokens already handed out!

Also if images are not viewed for a long time, are they deleted? If they are, what about people who *want* archival storage of seldom-read images (for example my computer history project has about 4Gb of large bitmap scans of historical material - for which this site would make ideal online storage)

If someone loses their URL, is their image out there in limbo forever? There seems to be no way to find them. Even a search by IP and/or date would be a start. Are they garbage collected - or do you just grow your disk space indefinitely?

What about takedown notices? Illegal content? People using steganography to use the unlimited storage as file storage? You probably don't even need stego to store files in the images - I bet there's room in the JPEG info/comment fields.

If you think that's unlikely, look at how soon someone hacked up a file-system interface using emails stored on GMail!

This service seems like a great hack by programmers, but I suspect that once the suits realise what you've done, it's not going to be such an open system as it is now... I bet the anonymity is the first thing to go.


Graham Toal

I see I wasn't the first person to think of doing backups via embedding data in the exif fields of photographs :-) ... http://www.dansdata.com/gz063.htm

Jim k.


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Competition is good for for all of us, and especially good if we each end up delivering better services for users.

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I've enjoyed reading the reactions to Bob's comment's about Obama's connection to deliberative politics and his references to the "common good." A recent New Yorker piece takes a similar position and contrasts Obama's "deliberative" style with Clinton's penchant for partisanship: See George Packer's "The Choice" in THE NEW YORKER (Jan 28, 08).

In these discussions about Obama, Democrats, and the common good, it is important to remember that
Michael Tomasky got the Democrats back on to the language of the "common good" with his article, "Party in Search of a Notion," from THE AMERICAN PROSPECT (April 2006).

This talk of the common good, from Tomasky's perspective may be completely in line with partisan politics and need not be identified with deliberation. See Tomasky's review of Krugman's new book, "The Partisan," in the NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS (54:18 Nov 22, 07).

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Just working through some notes on ethics and social networks and I thought I'd share the following paragraph that I've been working on - because it seems counter-intuitive at first.

There is a growing consensus that comments posted in social networks are not ‘in the public domain’ and that researchers should seek permission to use them. Researchers should also remember that because the internet is so readily searchable, they should avoid using literal quotes from social network discussions (in most cases) as this will potentially reveal who the respondent is.

In many codes of ethics and in a growing number of laws, the intention/expectation of the person making a post is important in determining what can be done with that post. In terms of privacy there are two issues. The first is that if a researcher has to join a network to see the post, then the person making the post is doing so in the expectation that they are talking to genuine members of the community, not to professional researchers or journalists. The second that is when somebody makes, say, 200 posts in their status bar over the course of a year, they did not have the expectation that all their quotes would be brought back together as a single corpus for investigation.

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Herzliche Grüße


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